Our biennial materiality analysis, last conducted in 2022, identifies relevant and priority areas of social and environmental impact related to our business. It systematically captures risks, opportunities, and trends in the sector and society, based on an in-depth study that analyzes: • Capital market specialist organizations – S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook, MSCI ESG Ratings, SASB Drug Retailers Standard and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI); • Internal monitoring and transparency tools about risks and externalities – externalities map (page 148) and Reference Form; • Consultation with stakeholders – opinion research on the priority and relevance of each impact topic identified in the previous stages with our employees, customers, suppliers, service providers, transport companies, unions, civil society organizations, press and advisors; • In-depth interviews – detailed assessment of impacts from the point of view of experts in retail, health and sustainability; • Workshop with Ambassadors – dynamic meeting to discuss and prioritize impacts with professionals who act as Sustainability Ambassadors in different locations of operations. The consolidation of inputs, opinions and information collected in all these processes generated a prioritization of themes and impacts based on their scale, scope, probability and character of remediation, originating material topics connected to the three pillars of our 2030 sustainability strategy. These material topics can be consulted in disclosure 3-2. (link)