The Risk Management Program, coordinated by the Occupational Health and Safety area, is responsible for identifying, classifying and managing occupational hazards and risks, in addition to analyzing work-related injuries and ill health. All situations are included in the Corporate Risk Matrix (learn more on page 42) and are also monitored by the RD Saúde Risk Committee. By identifying the main hazards and risks, it is possible to adopt policies, health and safety programs, and preventive measures to ensure the integrity and well-being of our team.
Among the measures to prevent and mitigate occupational risk, we can highlight operational and task organization measures, aimed at reducing the levels of agents in the workplace, various training courses, occupational health and safety campaigns, Daily Safety Dialogue (DSD), operational procedures, provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), medical checkups, measures indicated by the Specialized Services in Occupational Health and Safety (SESMT) area and by the Occupational Health and Safety Program (SSO).
All employees vote and are represented by the Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA), responsible for communicating and monitoring occupational safety demands, inspecting and reporting identified risks. Concurrently, we prepared the “Safety Report” form, in which our team, service providers, and visitors can report – anonymously or not – situations such as incidents, accidents, and suggestions for improvement, supporting the identification of work safety-related situations and ensuring the consultation with and participation of everyone.
We secure to all our employees the right to refuse to perform a certain activity if they identify any dangerous situation. In such cases, the employee must seek out the Specialized Services in Occupational Health and Safety area, which will analyze the risk situation and, if necessary, contact the manager so that measures can be taken. The area is also responsible for preparing an action plan to eliminate or mitigate such risk.
Based on learning from incidents, we promote continuous improvement and improve existing procedures to mitigate risks. Additionally, we identify and address risks through the application of Safety Alert forms, in which technical professionals can report and warn about conditions or situations that pose any type of risk to the physical integrity of any person. Based on these records, action plans are drawn up in conjunction with the relevant areas.