1. Cyberattacks that could compromise electronically stored health information, along with customers’ financial and personal data – Impact applicable to pharmacy and corporate activities. It has the potential to impact active customers, and not the community as a whole. Despite the potential impact, we take all necessary steps to mitigate risks, as mentioned on page 37 of the 2023 Annual and Sustainability Report. 2. Water consumption – The resource is not directly related to the main retail operations. However, it is used for consumption, personal hygiene, and cleaning in all our units. Therefore, we consider that the impact applies to units located in areas with water stress, representing a risk of water shortage for the surrounding community. We monitor consumption on a monthly basis and have actions in place to prevent waste, as detailed on page 104 of the 2023 Annual and Sustainability Report. 3. Turnover of our people, mainly in the pharmacy service area – The impact applies to customers, since the turnover of professionals in pharmacies can compromise service. To prevent the occurrence of this impact, we have training procedures for new employees, in addition to trained leaders to guide them, as described on page 83 of the 2023 Annual and Sustainability Report. Additionally, we offer a variety of career development opportunities for our employees, as detailed on page 84. 4. Greenhouse gas and other pollutant emissions – Applicable to pharmacies and DCs, mainly due to product transportation activities, which results in the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, potentially impacting the community surrounding these operations. We have initiatives to reduce emissions, as detailed on page 96 of the 2023 Annual and Sustainability Report. 5. Injuries, illness or death due to the consumption of products and services offered (errors in the sale of pharmaceutical products and in the provision of pharmaceutical services) – Applicable to pharmacy activities and can have an impact on customers. We have operational procedures to guide the pharmacy team in dispensing drugs and providing pharmaceutical services, as mentioned on page 67 of the 2023 Annual and Sustainability Report. 6. Social impacts on the supply chain (child labor, forced labor and sexual exploitation, occupational health and safety, labor and compensation practices) – We have over 9 thousand suppliers. As such, the social impacts on the supply chain have a moderate probability of occurrence. In order to reduce this probability, 100% of suppliers in critical categories undergo a social and environmental assessment, as mentioned on page 88 of the 2023 Annual and Sustainability Report. 7. Technology system failures and disruptions – Technology is used at some stage in all RD Saúde processes. Consequently, failures and disruptions can have an impact on service provision. We analyze vulnerabilities that could impact the business and take the necessary measures to prevent such occurrences, as mentioned on page 42 of the 2023 Annual and Sustainability Report. This information was obtained based on the impact assessment of the Company’s materiality process. The materiality process involves consulting with a variety of stakeholders, including customers, employees, and suppliers, among others. To determine the significance of the impacts, a probability and severity analysis was conducted.