
Healthy clients

Em Compromissos:

/ Pessoas

3 - Improve health parameters of customers connected to the healthcare platform

More than 265 thousand people engaged in a program to promote healthy habits on our health care platform.
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4 - Reach 3 million customers linked to our healthcare services² by 2030, including primary care

In 2023, we reached more than 444 thousand customers linked to our health care services, including primary care.
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5 - Have 16% of customer base regularly purchasing products that promote healthy life or with sustainability attributes

We have 8.2% of the customer base regularly purchasing products that promote healthy living or have sustainability attributes.
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6 - Reach 100% of Proprietary Brand cosmetic and food products free from controversial components

We are advancing the list of controversial ingredients for RD Saúde and expanding our studies on the theme in order to have a more complete list. In 2024, we will publish the new list and a corporate policy to provide guidance regarding this theme.
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Em Temas Materiais:

Healthy customers

Positive impact by expanding accessibility to health services and reinforcing the role of pharmacy in primary care and in disseminating knowledge about healthy habits and disease prevention. Responsibility for correct guidance on the use of drugs and for taking care to avoid the sale of products after their expiration date, in addition to complying with the requirements for the sale of prescription drugs and ensuring the quality of the pharmaceutical services offered.

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Products and services

RD Saúde’s role as an innovation platform that creates business models to take care of the population’s health, promoting products with sustainability attributes and developing their value chain, considering the expansion of private label portfolios.

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/ Drug supply chain integrity


On a monthly basis, the Supply Chain area maps out the main Expected Loss of the DCs. Another area of focus is the identification of products lost due to short shelf life, which makes it possible to negotiate reimbursement or other actions with our business partners. On this front, we have also implemented improvements to […]
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In 2023, we recalled 36 products, none of which from Private Labels. These cases consider both voluntary recalls by manufacturers and those required by Anvisa. We do not have control over the number of units collected.
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/ Management of controlled substances


In Brazil, there is no procedure for querying prescription drug monitoring programs. The rule stipulates that products must be recorded in an electronic book system and this information is sent to the system controlled by Anvisa, called SNGPC (National System for the Management of Controlled Products). Currently, the system is suspended for adjustments.
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/ Patient health outcomes


As part of career programs aligned with the strategy of transforming the pharmacy into a place to promote integral health, we train all employees on an ongoing basis, as described on pages 83 and 84. As part of our development programs, we began to offer the pharmacotherapeutic telephone monitoring service free of charge, as described […]
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We have a Manual of Good Pharmaceutical Practices through which pharmacists are instructed to evaluate the following aspects in the prescription: readability and absence of erasures and amendments, user identification, drug identification, concentration, posology, dosage form and quantity, dosage, treatment duration, place and date of issue, signature and identification of the prescriber bearing the registration […]
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/ Activity metrics


2,953 pharmacies (1,246 Raia and 1,707 Drogasil).
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817,565.59 m² of total retail space.
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We sold 297,561,375 over-the-counter drugs (OTC) and 76,641,202 prescription drugs, including controlled substances and antibiotics. Therefore, 20% of drug sales are controlled substances/prescription drugs.
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10,699 pharmacists.
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