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Data pertaining to 2023
Overview Strategy Risk management Governance Metrics and targets


a) Describe the Board's oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities.

The Board of Directors is advised by the Sustainability Committee, which meets at least ten times a year to evaluate the evolution of actions and the performance of our sustainability strategy – which includes our climate change mitigation and adaptation plan. Advice resulting from these meetings is presented to the Board members. In addition to the fixed agendas, Committee members meet frequently with the Sustainability Officer to delve deeper into the climate agenda, understand business risks and opportunities, analyze scenarios and create a short, medium and long-term strategy on the topic.

b) Describe management's role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities.

In recent years, RD Saúde has made strides on the climate agenda and its integration into the routine analysis of scenarios and factors that may impact the Company, either positively or negatively. The Risk Committee, which advises the Board, identifies, measures, and monitors climate-related risks and opportunities together with business areas, in addition to defining processes to respond to risks through control mechanisms and action plans. Risks with high and very high criticality are periodically reported to the Board of Directors.

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