We are pleased to offer the Canal Conversa Ética, our Whistleblowing Channel, to the entire society. This channel is available 24/7, and receives complaints about any conduct that violates national laws, our policies, procedures, and values. The channel allows for anonymous reporting and provides you with the ability to track the progress of your report. General claims are investigated by the officers of each area¹ and refer to inappropriate behavior, complaints, praise and other less critical issues. Sensitive complaints, in turn, which are considered more critical, are investigated by RD Saúde’s Ethics and Compliance area and handled by the Ethical Affairs Commission, made up of seven officers from different areas. Examples of critical topics include situations of moral and sexual harassment, discrimination, corruption, fraud, physical aggression, use of alcohol or drugs and conflicts of interest. The Commission discusses and decides on solutions and agreements according to the nature and severity of the claims. The results are periodically submitted to the Ethics Committee, which is directly linked to the Audit Committee. In addition, the Ethics and Compliance area also reports to these committees on other issues related to business ethics. In 2023, we began carrying out regular audits of the Ethics and Compliance Program.