Direct and indirect job creation, in all locations where we operate, both in pharmacies and in logistics, positively impacting not only our team but the local economy, including the payment of taxes and fees. Being part of the RD Saúde team also means, for most, entering the labor market and an opportunity for professional development. Furthermore, the Company’s purpose – “Together for a healthier society” – guides philanthropy initiatives for integral health in the communities.
Communities, government, employees
GRI 201: Economic Performance
GRI 202: Market Presence
GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts
GRI 204: Procurement Practices
We serve 47.6 million active customers through our 2,953 pharmacies. Over 50,000 professionals are responsible for putting into practice, day after day, our ambition to contribute to a healthier society.
We recognize that, in order to achieve this goal, we must first prioritize the well-being of each and every member of our team.
We believe that, in addition to the positive impact on society resulting from our work in health care, our presence throughout Brazil gives us the potential to contribute to the development of the communities with which we interact. To this end, we follow a strategy based on the Theory of Change, which organizes pillars of action and investment guidelines. Therefore, we invest in actions that promote integral health and transformation of society in a permanent and sustainable manner.
We have four sources of Philanthropy funding, all focused on health: donation of the company’s own resources, derived from 1% of the Company’s net profit in the previous year; customer donations, made through the sale of copies of Sorria and Troco Solidário; donation of products close to their expiration date (DOA); and tax incentives allocated to the Rouanet Law, Audiovisual Law, Condeca/Fumcad, the Elderly Fund, and the Sports Incentive Law.
We also contribute to the menstrual dignity agenda through support to Unicef and the #PraQuemMenstrua Movement. In line with the Movement’s objectives, our Private Label Needs has incorporated a line of menstrual pads into its product portfolio and has allocated part of the total sales of these products to fund the project.
We have a Philanthropy and Contributions Policy, which sets guidelines for philanthropy, donations, contributions and incentives, in order to guide decisions before donating. In 2023, we also created the Use of Tax Incentives Policy, which aims to defend, regulate and implement our interests in the use of federal tax incentives, defining the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved.
Additionally, we have a non-negotiable commitment to ensuring universal human rights. On a daily basis, People Code – RD’s Ethics & Conduct defines internal guidelines, as well as the responsibilities of each RD Saúde employee.
Check out more details of our community development initiatives in the GRI disclosures listed in this dashboard or in the Annual and Sustainability Report.
* People Code – Ethics and Conduct in RD Saúde
* Philanthropy and Contributions Policy