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Data pertaining to 2023
Overview Enviromental & Social Governance metrics

Corporate behavior

Policies & Practices

Does the company conduct audit of its anti-corruption policies?

We have an Audit Committee, wich is responsible for analyzing the financial statements and supervising risk management activities, internal auditing, compliance, internal controls, data management and cybersecurity, stakeholder relationships and management of the Conversa Ética Channel.

Regular audits of ethical standards

In 2023 we started to carry out regular audits of the Program Ethics and Compliance (every 2 years).

Does the company state that it audits ALL operations?

The complete Compliance and Ethics Program is audited.

Responsibility for ethics issues

Board level committee

Employee training on ethical standards

Em 2023, tivemos 17.089 novas conclusões no curso sobre o Código da Gente na Universidade RD Saúde, voltado para os nossos funcionários. Além disso, 57.216 funcionários(as) (100%) foram comunicados sobre políticas e procedimentos de combate à corrupção.

24 membros dos órgãos de governança (100%) também foram comunicados sobre tais políticas e procedimentos.

Conheça os detalhes sobre os treinamentos oferecidos aos(às) funcionários(as) por categoria funcional no indicador GRI 205-2.

Policy against bribery and corruption

Our Anti-Corruption Policy is publicy avaiable, check it here.

Whistleblower protection

We offer the Ethics Conversation Channel, our Whistleblowing Channel, to the entire society. This channel is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and receives complaints about any conduct that is in violation of national laws, our policies, procedures, and values. The channel allows for anonymous reporting and provides you with the ability to track the progress of your report.

Policy against bribery and corruption for suppliers

We have a Supplier Code of Conduct, which contains anti-corruption guidelines. All suppliers must sign a commitment to the content of this code.

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