
Actions for our employees

Em Compromissos:

/ Pessoas

1 - We are developing a methodology to monitor the health parameters of our people.

73.44% of our people evaluate the work environment as healthy (result obtained by the GPTW survey).
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2 - Have a favorable index for a healthy working environment of at least 80% considering the WHO pillars

73.44% of our people evaluate the work environment as healthy (result obtained by the GPTW survey).
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/ Negócios

9 - Reach at least 50% women in all functional categories by 2030

In 2023, 63% of our workforce was comprised of women.
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10 - Achieve at least 50% black people representation in leadership positions by 2030

We ended the year 2023 with 45.7% of black people in leadership positions.
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11 - Have 5% of people with disabilities in RD Saúde workforce and structure professional development strategies

In 2023, we totaled 1,959 persons with disabilities in our workforce.
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12 - Achieve a 6% representation of individuals aged 50 and over within RD Saúde

In 2023, we totaled 3.2% of professionals in this age group
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13 - Achieve a 90% employee-rated environment in terms of their level of inclusion in pharmacies, RD Saúde Campus, and DCs

In 2023, 73% of our employees rated RD Saúde's environment as inclusive.
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14 - Foster the education of 10,000 professionals in undergraduate and/or postgraduate courses with incentives from RD Saúde, with at least 90% in health-related courses

Since 2021, we have promoted the professional development of 2,566 individuals through educational incentives provided by RD Saúde.
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15 - Reach 40 thousand employees trained in programs that have an impact on their professional career and/or develop skills for the future

In 2023, there were 3,281 professionals trained in career-impact programs. Since 2021, a total of 12,364 people have been trained.
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16 - To provide 150,000 cumulative income-boosting opportunities by 2030

In 2023, there were 17,402 opportunities to increase income. Since 2021, a total of 45,891 individuals have received merits and promotions (cumulative figures).
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Em Temas Materiais:

Employee integral health and safety

Management of employees’ health and safety, prioritizing the main negative impacts: falls on same level (sprain, fracture, slipping), accidents with machines (forklifts and shelves) and commuting accidents. It also considers initiatives aimed at promoting and monitoring the integral health of employees, in the physical, mental, spiritual, social, and environmental dimensions.

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Community development

Direct and indirect job creation, in all locations where we operate, both in pharmacies and in logistics, positively impacting not only our team but the local economy, including the payment of taxes and fees. Being part of the RD Saúde team also means, for most, entering the labor market and an opportunity for professional development. Furthermore, the Company’s purpose – “Together for a healthier society” – guides philanthropy initiatives for integral health in the communities.

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Promotion of diversity and inclusion

Affirmative actions and programs that allow a more diverse portion of society and minority groups to have opportunities for employment, income, training and professional development, as well as initiatives that promote inclusion, especially for black people, persons with disabilities, LGBTI+, women and the 50+ audience.

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People management

Employee retention initiatives, essential for the quality of services provided, such as compensation practices and benefits, professional development training and career plans to manage turnover, especially in the operations area.

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Em Global Reporting Initiative:

/ Tópicos standards - Social - Employment

GRI 401-2

Benefícios oferecidos a funcionários benefício todos os funcionários a partir da liderança dependentes legais Seguro de vida X X Assistência médica X X X Licença-maternidade/paternidade estendida para seis meses e 20 dias, respectivamente, aplicável também a adotantes de crianças de até 12 anos X X Assistência odontológica X X X Auxílio-creche concedido conforme previsão em […]
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GRI 401-3

Licença maternidade e paternidade 2021 2022 2023 Funcionários(as) que tiveram direito à licença Homens 17.921 18.989 20.601 Mulheres 31.529 34.050 36.615 Funcionários(as) que tiraram a licença Homens 134 418 478 Mulheres 1.260 1.551 1.479 Funcionários(as) que retornaram ao trabalho, no período do relatório, após o término da licença Homens 304 413 487 Mulheres 1.114 1.328 […]
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/ Tópicos standards - Social - Occupational Health and Safety

GRI 403-1

Protecting the health of our employees in their work activities is our priority. We remain committed to staying abreast of industry best practices and spare no effort in fostering healthy and secure environments throughout the Company. We employ a proprietary health and safety management system that complies with legal requirements, ISO standards, Brazilian Regulatory Standards […]
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GRI 403-2

The Risk Management Program, coordinated by the Occupational Health and Safety area, is responsible for identifying, classifying and managing occupational hazards and risks, in addition to analyzing work-related injuries and ill health. All situations are included in the Corporate Risk Matrix (learn more on page 42) and are also monitored by the RD Saúde Risk […]
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GRI 403-3

Over the past year, we have been pursuing our goal of zero accidents and striving to reduce their occurrence by at least 10% compared to the previous year. In order to achieve this, since 2022 we have been monitoring suppliers and offering training on safety and accident prevention, focusing on the correct and complete use […]
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GRI 403-4

All employees vote and are represented by the Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA), responsible for communicating and monitoring occupational safety demands, inspecting and reporting identified risks.
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GRI 403-5

All newly hired employees undergo general training on occupational safety, and there is also specific content for each activity. Awareness-raising actions are also extended to subcontractors, which are required to comply with and meet safety requirements when carrying out activities in the Company’s premises. The criteria include the completion of a contractors’ registration form and […]
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GRI 403-6

We offer health and wellness benefits and solutions to our entire team and strive to facilitate access and provide information for all our people, by bringing together all initiatives in a single portal. Among the main benefits and solutions offered, we highlight: • Medical and dental insurance: wide network (optional subscription) extendable to dependents (spouse […]
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GRI 403-7

Solidifying a preventive safety culture in operations is crucial to achieving our goals and protecting the lives of our people and third parties. Therefore, we invest in disseminating this culture through specific guidelines, support materials, communication, courses, and training. All newly hired employees undergo general training on occupational safety, and there is also specific content […]
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GRI 403-8

The system covers 9,326 professionals in the DCs and RD Saúde Campus (16.3% of our total workforce), in addition to 761 contractors in these units.
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/ Tópicos standards - Social - Training and Education

GRI 404-1

Média de horas de capacitação por ano, por funcionário(a) por gênero 2021 2022 2023 Homens 78,28 106,33 102,50 Mulheres 93,82 112,62 108,47 Total 88,19 110,37 106,32 Média de horas de capacitação por ano, por funcionário(a) por categoria funcional 2021 2022 2023 Liderança executiva 12,11 25,29 5,34 Liderança média 10,99 13,45 13,77 Liderança operacional 44,16 43,49 […]
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GRI 404-2

We believe that investing in the personal and professional development of our teams not only boosts their careers, but also strengthens our business and transforms people and the world. RD Saúde University is the tool that supports us in this mission of continuous learning and transformation. Through it, we are able to offer a wide […]
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GRI 404-3

100% of our professionals have the possibility of being evaluated for their performance. The Crescer Program evaluation process is mandatory and includes people from the RD Saúde Campus. The positions of the business units (DCs and Pharmacy Operations) are included in the performance evaluation format called Assessment of Expected Behaviors, in which employees are also […]
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