

Em Temas Materiais:

Ethics, compliance and data privacy

Dissemination of the principles that govern the relationship between RD Saúde and its stakeholders, including the fight against labor and human rights violations in the supply chain, and compliance with laws and regulations. The topic also considers RD Saúde’s measures to prevent negative impacts related to the improper use of customer, supplier, and employee data; cyber-attacks and system failures.

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Em Global Reporting Initiative:

/ Universal Standards - General Disclosures

GRI 2-9

We believe our commitment to the best corporate governance practices helps us to ensure the business sustainability and to serve the interests of all RD Saúde’s stakeholders: customers, investors, suppliers, employees, community, government, trade unions and associations, among others. We maintain an ethical and strong relationship with these stakeholders, ensuring that everyone has access to […]
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GRI 2-10

Aiming at the diversity of experience and knowledge of the board members, the selection criteria are established in the Policy for Appointment and Election of Board Members and take into account the qualifications and experience in areas such as finance, health, technology, people management, ESG and specialization in pharmaceutical retail, in addition to reputation and […]
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GRI 2-11

Currently, the Executive Board is led by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who does not hold a position on the Board of Directors.
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GRI 2-12

See here detailed information about our advisory committees of the Board of Directors. (link levando para o indicador 2-9)
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GRI 2-13

The Sustainability Committee is responsible for monitoring, updating and validating the guidelines, strategies and commitments related to sustainable development taking into account ESG risks and opportunities, including the climate agenda, in addition to overseeing the work of the Sustainability Officer. This Committee meets approximately once a month over the year, with the exception of January […]
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GRI 2-14

The content of the Annual and Sustainability report was initially defined based on the materiality process, which is approved by Senior Management. Then, information was collected from different areas, deepened through interviews with advisors, officers and other executives responsible for the Company’s planning and strategy. The Report was also approved by RD Saúde’s Senior Management.
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GRI 2-15

Employees and administrators must declare potential situations of conflict of interest through a statement to the Ethics and Compliance area. If an administrator is faced with a potential conflict of interest in a decision, he/she must communicate this conflict and abstain from participating in the discussion about and vote on such matter. These actions must […]
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GRI 2-16

Our risk management is based on the best national and international practices, such as ISO 31000 and COSO ERM, and those of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC) and the Institute of Internal Auditors of Brazil (IIA). Additionally, the risk management process undergoes periodic auditing, conducted by internal auditing in conjunction with specialized external […]
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GRI 2-17

The Bylaws outline the responsibilities of the Vice President of People, Culture, and Sustainability in relation to sustainable development. In the same vein, the Board of Directors’ Internal Regulations refer to the perpetuity of the corporate purpose as a sustainable business, the creation of sustainable business value, and the responsibilities of the Sustainability Committee in […]
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GRI 2-18

The Board of Directors conducts an annual and formal evaluation of its performance, following best corporate governance practices and seeking continuous improvement of this governance body. The evaluation is carried out by an external and independent consultancy, and consists of two stages: individual and of the body as a whole. Its methodology includes interviews, online […]
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GRI 2-19

Administrators’ compensation is determined in accordance with the provisions of the Executive Board Compensation Policy, market practices, and our corporate governance and management system. It is evaluated on a regular basis, with the support of specialized consultants, taking into account factors such as inflation, pay increments, and industry trends. The Board of Directors receives only […]
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GRI 2-20

All employees at RD Saúde are eligible to variable compensation through the Profit Sharing Program (PPR), which considers the achievement of corporate goals. The objective is to reward individuals for their own performance and that of the Company, as well as to challenge our people to be co-responsible for business results and share successes and […]
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GRI 2-21

The ratio of the total annual compensation for the company’s highest-paid individual to the medium annual total compensation for all employees was 327 times. The ratio of the percentage increase in annual total compensation for the company’s highest-paid individual to the medium percentage increase in annual total compensation for all employees was 18%. The following […]
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GRI 2-23

In order to ensure an ethical culture and righteous conduct in all RD Saúde’s activities, we rely on management policies and guidelines approved by the Board of Directors. The documents are part of the Integrity Program and aim, in addition to controlling risks, to guide the mitigation, remediation and management of consequences of any ethical, […]
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GRI 2-24

Upon joining the Company, all employees must complete a course on the People Code at RD Saúde University platform, in addition to signing a statement of responsibility and commitment to the expected ethical conduct. Since 2022, human rights risks have been integrated into our corporate risk matrix, which is managed under the Risk Management Program. […]
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GRI 2-26

We are pleased to offer the Canal Conversa Ética, our Whistleblowing Channel, to the entire society. This channel is available 24/7, and receives complaints about any conduct that violates national laws, our policies, procedures, and values. The channel allows for anonymous reporting and provides you with the ability to track the progress of your report. […]
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GRI 2-27

There were no cases of non-compliance with laws and regulations during the reporting period
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GRI 2-30

Collective bargaining agreements are entered into with unions and cover 100% of professionals, who are represented by the Retail Pharmaceutical Products Trade Union in each state and municipality, totaling 299 unions.
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/ Topic Standards - Economic - Economic Performance

GRI 201-3

RD Saúde does not offer a retirement plan to its employees. The Company makes the monthly payment of the Social Security contribution on behalf of its employees to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), which is responsible for the payment of retirement and other benefits to Brazilian workers (Act No. 8,213, dated July 24, […]
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GRI 201-4

At RD, we carry out social investment through tax incentives. Therefore, in 2023, we created the Tax Incentive Use Policy (link:, which aims to defend, regulate and implement our interests in the use of federal tax incentives, defining the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved. These investments are also based on the Theory of […]
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/ Topic Standards - Economic - Market Presence

GRI 202-1

The lowest salary paid by RD Saúde in 2023 for male and female employees was BRL 1,412.00 compared to the Brazilian minimum wage, of BRL 1,320.00. This represents a ratio of 1.07 for both genders. Salaries are determined based on either the minimum wage or the collective bargaining agreement salary floor, to which the professionals […]
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/ Topic Standards - Economic - Anti-corruption

GRI 205-1

We evaluate 100% of operations. In the “Unethical Conduct” risk category, we monitor the following risk factors: 1. acts of corruption carried out by employees or contractors on behalf of RD Saúde; 2. lack of ethical conduct procedures for controlled companies; 3. lack of guidelines for relationships with government officials; 4. conflicts of interest for […]
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GRI 205-2

In 2023, 17,089 people completed the course on the People Code at RD Saúde University platform, aimed at our employees. In addition, 24 members of governance bodies (100%) and 57,216 employees (100%) were informed about anti-corruption policies and procedures. There was no training on the topic for members of governance bodies. Find out details about […]
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/ Tópicos materiais - Environment - Anti-corruption

GRI 205-3

In 2023, there were no confirmed incidents of corruption in RD Saúde.
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/ Tópicos standards - Social - Diversity and Equal Opportunity

GRI 405-1

Indivíduos dentro dos órgãos de governança em 2023 órgão de governança por gênero por faixa etária por identidade autodeclarada de raça homem mulher abaixo de 30 anos entre 30 e 50 anos acima de 50 anos amarelos negros brancos pardos Conselho de Administração 72,70% 27,30% 0,00% 36,40% 63,60% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% 0,00% Diretoria Estatutária 87,50% […]
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GRI 405-2

Proporção entre o salário-base e a remuneração recebidos pelas mulheres e aqueles recebidos pelos homens 2021 2022 2023 salário-base remuneração salário-base remuneração salário-base remuneração Liderança executiva 92,86% 86,26% 92,28% 83,63% 87,55% 81,53% Liderança média 96,85% 95,83% 94,25% 93,96% 92,81% 92,92% Liderança operacional 99,97% 99,86% 100,95% 100,90% 101,79% 101,77% Especialista 72,64% 71,74% 76,95% 76,20% 73,33% 73,69% […]
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/ Tópicos standards - Social - Non-discrimination

GRI 406-1

In 2023, 209 cases were registered regarding the topic “discrimination”, of which 182 have already been analyzed and completed, including: 77 valid and partially valid; 91 invalid; 12 inconclusive; 2 with insufficient data; and 27 reports under investigation. The measures taken in relation to the 182 completed calls include: written warning (17), verbal warning (5), […]
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/ Tópicos standards - Social - Security Practices

GRI 410-1

98%, considering 15 own employees and other contractors.
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/ Tópicos standards - Social - Supplier Social Assessment

GRI 414-1

In 2023, 100% of the 1,692 new suppliers were selected based on social criteria.
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GRI 414-2

In 2023, 9,531 suppliers were evaluated against social criteria. Among them, 2,120 were identified as causing actual and potential negative impacts. Non-conformities were identified in 176 partners, mainly related to the requirements for providing pre-employment physical examination certificates, the wearing of PPE, paying overtime worked, and labor requirements provided by law. In 2023, no relationships […]
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/ Tópicos standards - Social - Public Policy

GRI 415-1

We do not make political contributions.
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/ Tópicos standards - Social - Customer Privacy

GRI 418-1

We adopt the best market practices to ensure information security through frameworks such as NIST, CIS Controls, and ISO/IEC 27001:2022, among others. To strengthen our incident detection and response capabilities, we have: • 24/7 monitoring of security events from a Security Operation Center (SOC); • Monitoring of potential data leaks using DLP (Data Loss Prevention) […]
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/ Data security and privacy


Contamos com políticas internas, disponíveis e de fácil acesso para todos os(as) funcionários(as) em nosso repositório interno de políticas, que definem as diretrizes para a coleta, uso, guarda e descarte de dados pessoais e sensíveis, tais como: Política de Privacidade, Política de Segurança da Informação, Política de Classificação da Informação, Política de Retenção de Dados […]
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There were no personal data breaches or leaks
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Data privacy-related legal proceedings are recent, and in most cases, an agreement is sought in the judicial process. We have not had any significant losses on this matter.
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/ Patient health outcomes


In 2023, we identified 18 cases of prescription dispensing errors, which generated monetary losses equivalent to around BRL 43,000.00. We mapped cases in which prescriptions were forged; in such situations, there is no legal obligation for RD Saúde to act, but we may be asked to assist in potential investigations.
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/ Governance

a) Describe the Board's oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities.

The Board of Directors is advised by the Sustainability Committee, which meets at least ten times a year to evaluate the evolution of actions and the performance of our sustainability strategy – which includes our climate change mitigation and adaptation plan. Advice resulting from these meetings is presented to the Board members. In addition to […]
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b) Describe management's role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities.

In recent years, RD Saúde has made strides on the climate agenda and its integration into the routine analysis of scenarios and factors that may impact the Company, either positively or negatively. The Risk Committee, which advises the Board, identifies, measures, and monitors climate-related risks and opportunities together with business areas, in addition to defining […]
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/ Strategy

a) Describe climate-related risks and opportunities the organization has identified over the short, medium, and long term.

In 2023, we deepened our analysis of climate change-related risks and opportunities across all operations. The study aimed to identify the main physical and transition risks, as well as the main opportunities for the Company aligned with a low-carbon strategy. For physical risks, seven threats were considered: heat waves, river floods, vector proliferation, windstorms, landslides, […]
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b) Describe the impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning.

Climate-related risks and opportunities have influenced the development of the Company’s long-term vision, particularly in the definition of sustainability commitments for 2030, which impact and guide the strategy of our operations. Short-, medium-, and long-term financial planning related to direct and indirect expenses has also been influenced by climate risks and opportunities. The purchase of […]
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c) Describe the resilience of the organization’s strategy, taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario.

RD Saúde has developed a consistent mitigation and adaptation strategy (page 95), which brings resilience to the business in the face of climate change: we have a high percentage of electricity consumption from renewable sources and have implemented energy-efficient solutions (page 96); we invested in training our own drivers and in optimizing processes to increase […]
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/ Risk management

a) Describe the organization's processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks.

We conducted a comprehensive climate risk identification and assessment study that covered all operating units in 2022 (RD Saúde Campus, 11 DCs, and 2,697 pharmacies). Physical and transition risks were identified with business areas and assessed based on their impact and probability, and classified according to the Company’s impact scale. The study considered SSP1-2.6 and […]
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b) Describe the organization's processes for managing climate-related risks.

Risk review and monitoring at RD Saúde, including climate-related risks, are primarily conducted by the Risk Management Committee, an advisory body to the Board of Directors, which establishes regular and specific meetings to monitor risks according to their nature. This phase involves tracking key risk indicators (KRIs), the progress of action plans previously defined by […]
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c) Describe how processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the organization's overall risk management.

Since 2022, we have included climate-related risks in the Company’s risk matrix. The Risk Management team promotes continuous alignment with the Sustainability area and the business areas directly involved to address and monitor climate-related risks.
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/ Metrics and targets

a) Disclose the metrics used by the organization to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk managment process.

We assess risks and opportunities based on the impact on business and the likelihood of risks and opportunities occurring. Therefore, risks are classified by a combination of impact and likelihood, according to the matrix of risks and opportunities defined by the Company. The impact assessment uses quantitative (financial) and qualitative (image and reputation, health and […]
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c) Describe the targets used by the organization to manage climate-related risks and opportunities and performance against targets.

In 2023, we revisited our sustainability commitments for 2030 and updated our climate-related targets. We made the following commitments: i) reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions in line with the 1.5°C scenario, using 2021 as the base year; and ii) engage suppliers responsible for emissions from purchased goods and services (Category 1) to […]
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/ Enviromental & Social

Product carbon footprint

Risk Management Extent of product carbon footprint assessments We have carbon emissions assesments on the use of sold product and end-of-life treatment of sold products. Assessment of energy consumption and/or carbon emissions of suppliers In 2022, we began using CDP Supply Chain as a means to engage suppliers and encourage the disclosure of their emissions, […]
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